Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Services
EEG Biofeedback (also known as Neurofeedback) is an innovative, new computer-based technique that is being adopted by healthcare professionals around the world. This technique has been found to be effective in helping to remediate a number of conditions including problems in attention, learning and behavior, as well as compulsions, addictions, and trauma & affective disorders.
Neurofeedback is complimentary to existing medical treatments and mental health practices.
Facilitating healing of:
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Obsessive thoughts
Other conditions
Chronic fatigue
Neurofeedback Services
- qEEG recording and interpretation
- Traditional neurofeedback using EEGer 4 channel amplifier and software
- Surface and Z score 19 channel feedback utilizing Deymed amp and Neuroguide software
- Neurostimulation protocols utilizing Neurofield pEMF and tDCS equipment and software
- PirHEG utilizing Jeff Carmen’s system
It has long been recognized that there is a direct connection between the frequency components of EEG (measured electrical activity of the brain) and a person’s state of arousal, alertness, stability and flexibility. Prolonged stress, physical and psychological trauma & substance abuse can alter the set point of the central nervous system and push it out of normal range into disregulation. In many cases this results in a narrowing of available mental states. In other cases, the brain becomes unstable and may change states inappropriately and without warning.
The brain’s inability to modulate response and to access situation-appropriate mental states appears to be central to the persistence of many chronic medical and psychological problems. Luckily the brain can be retrained. Neurofeedback is a form of operant conditioning– training the brain to make voluntary changes in function and state. In the short term, this encourages a change in mental state.
Over the long term it exercises and strengthens the brain’s mechanisms of state change and plays on the brain’s natural desire for balance.
Relaxed Focus
Relaxed Thought
Active Thinkin
High Beta
¿How Neurofeedback works?
Sensors are placed on the “trainee’s” scalp and ear. Brainwaves are monitored by a computer and goals are set that require the trainee to voluntarily produce more beneficial brain wave patterns. A second linked computer “coaches” the trainee by presenting visual, auditory and tactile representations of the trainee’s brainwave signals in a video game format.
This process is called “feedback” because it informs the trainee about his or her momentary success in making the desired brain changes. As the trainee exercises this ability to voluntarily change brain activity, new and beneficial response patterns are created. Practiced over an average of 20 to 40 half-hour sessions, these new modes of behavior are well learned, becoming natural responses available whenever needed.
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¿Wanna know more about Neurofeedback?
NeuroField has evolved into the first system that measures physiological responses to pEMF or tDCS/tACS through EEG and HRV. Furthermore, NeuroField stimulation therapy uses norm referenced, z-score, data to guide the brain to a regulated, normative state. As a result of these innovations, NeuroField brings the science of low intensity pEMF into the clinical setting.
19 channel Z-score LORETA
A 3-Dimensional LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback enables the training Brodmann areas in the brain, “Hubs”, “Modules” and “Default Mode Network” and 3-dimensional locations registered to a reference MRI. This powerful technique includes ‘Live’ LORETA Coherence & Phase Differences from 88 Brodmann areas. The neurofeedback protocol is based on a Symptom Check List combined with LORETA Z scores measured during a QEEG analysis to aid in linking patient’s symptoms and complaints to functional specialization in the brain.
Peak Performance
Neurofeedback is also the ideal method for improving mental, athletic and artistic function.
Enhances your ability to:
- Relax
- Visualize
- Concentrate
- “Get in the Zone”
- Adapt
- Recover
Non-invasive program that identifies the unique strengths, goals and needs of an individual and provides training to optimize brain function for peak mental performance.
Empowers you to achieve positive change with enhanced self-awareness, smooth effortless mental performance, and a more conscious life style.
Helps you understand your personal style of managing mental and emotional states and how these may help or hinder achievement of your goals.
Releases ineffective patterns of attention, response, mood and behavior.
Retrains new brain patterns for enhanced mental performance.
Integrates and reinforces new patterns of response for a happier and more successful life.